Absence, Withdrawal & Leave

Absence, Withdrawal & Leave

No leave of absence is granted except on prior written application from parents or guardians for a valid reason only.

Parents are requested to send a leave application if the child has to be absent for more than one day.If no information is received, the class teacher is expected to call the parent to know the reason.

A student returning to school after suffering from an infection or contagious disease should produce a doctor’s fitness certificate permitting him to do so. A Student suffering from the following disease must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class.

  1. a) Chickenpox                     Till the scabs fall completely
  2. b) Cholera                            Till the child is completely well
  3. c) Measles                           Two weeks after the rashes disappear
  4. d) Mumps                             Until the swelling has subsided
  5. e) Whooping cough            Six weeks


Those absent without sanctioned leave will have to pay a fine at the rate of Rs.30/- per day.

No child can be withdrawn till a written request from the parent is put up.

  1. Application for withdrawal is to be made on a prescribed proforma available in the school office. No child can be withdrawn till a written request from parents is put up.
  2. Clearance must be obtained from the laboratory, library and other department in charges before applying for withdrawal.
  3. Transfer Certificate will be issued after one week of the receipt of the application and clearance of all dues.
  4. Payment of first term fee is compulsory for the parents who want to withdraw their ward before the commencement of the second term i.e. all the installments till end of September. Any withdrawal taking place after the commencement of the second term i.e. between October to March need to pay the full Academic Session fee (all the installments)