A Place where Children Learn, Explore & Discover
A full-fledged, Senior Secondary, CBSE Affiliated Co-education School
Consistently providing Best Board Results of Class X & XII in Janjgir-Champa.
NEP Mapped CBSE Board Curriculum for Scholastic Activities.
English Language Enhancement Program in collaboration with Karadi Path to achieve efficiency in communication Skills.
Collaboration with Avishkar Robotics for AI & coding classes to meet the requirement of today’s Tech savy world.
Easily accessible smart classes to deliver the digital contents to make teaching more effective.
Special emphasis on Value Education to inculcate Moral Values & Indian Heritage among the students.
Designated Wellness & Counseling faculty to ensure Mental & Psychological well being of the students.
Periodically organized Career Counselling Sessions by the experts of different fields.
Lush green Plastic Free 8 Acres Campus integrated with AI and MI Labs.
50 + Well Qualified and Experienced staffs are working hard to unleash the potential of the students.
Safe & Secure campus under CCTV Surveillance.
Life Skills are vital processes that help a person navigate through familiar, unfamiliar, and challenging contexts with a sense of personal confidence, social conscience, and professional competence. The urgency to introduce life skills education has also been highlighted in the New Education Policy 2020 that makes a pressing call for 21st-Century Skills to be introduced in schools to help prepare the young minds for the future. This warrants a shift from the existing education system towards a balanced amalgamation of “learning for school” and “learning for life” to help young people develop the capability of making informed decisions.
Delhi Public School, Janjgir- Champa is providing the students behoves skills training that prepares them for the known and the unknown. We equip them with tools that enable them to navigate the challenges of life with positivity and confidence. This can be done through opportunities to build and master essential life skills, which will make them strong, resilient, confident, and independent individuals.

21 st Century Skills

Personal Skills

Life Skills
A child who is nurtured to believe in him or herself, encouraged to take risks and is continually reinforced for their efforts with positive affirmations and respect, will most likely develop a strong belief in him or herself and their capabilities. Delhi Public School, Janjgir- Champa helps to grow up the children with confidence, an amazing sense of self-worth, a whole lot of resilience and respect for others and the world around them. We work to establish a positive foundation to empower kids so they can develop into confident, happy, respectful and responsible Future Citizens and Successful Leaders. They develop Academically, Socially, Morally and Physically in a stimulating & stress-free environment.

STEM meets fun: Unleash your inner inventor with Avishkaar Robotics

Learn English the natural way – sing, play, speak with Karadi Path

Digital Content Partner
THE BEST EDUCATION IN DISTRICTYour Journey with Delhi Public School, Janjgir-Champa Starts here. Being a well-known brand across the country, Delhi Public School, Janjgir-Champa brings a Creative learning program for your children with easy and wide curriculum mapped with activities. Our curriculum is designed to emphasize on 360-degree holistic development of every student blended with extraordinary positive & pleasing personality. We provide a strong foundation of a perfect blend of scholastic and co-scholastic activities added with magnificent opportunities and unique freshness to truly embrace best education with us.
CBSE 10th & 12th Board Toppers - 2023

Adarsh Agrawal
92.4% , PE-97 , ENG-94
arayajeet prasad
95.2% , PE-97 , ENG-94
93% , SCI-100, HIN-95
Sujay DEB
92.4% , HIN-95, ENG-94
Ajitesh Singh
92.2% , HIN-95, ENG-94
Aayushi Jain
91.6% , SST-95 , SCI-95
Kanak Sharma
90.2% , SST-95 , SCI-95, HIN-95
Harsh Jha
90.0% ,SST-97, HIN-95F.A.Q
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. What is the procedure of admission ?
Step 1:- Apply & fill out the Application form.
Step 2:- Appear Aptitude Exam
Step 3:- (On the basis of merit) Document submission and verification
Step 4:- Fee Payment & enrolment
Q2. Who one can contact to know more about admission?
Please get in touch with our admission counsellor at 8435304007.
Q3. When does one approach for new admission?
Application forms will be available from 15th January. For further updates kindly follow our page at (https://dpschampa.com/admission/). Delhi Public School is affiliated to CBSE Board and the Admission timelines are decided as per the Board’s guideline from 15th January to 31st August of every year.
Q4. What subjects are on offer in Class XI ?
DPS-JC offers admissions in all the three streams i.e. Science, Commerce & Humanities.
Q5. What are the documents required at the time of admission?
Documents required for admissions are enlisted below:-
1. Student’s Birth certificate ( Xerox Copy)
2. Student’s Adhaar ( Xerox Copy)
3. Parent’s Adhaar ( Xerox Copy)
4. Passport Size Photos
5. Marksheet of Previous School ( Xerox Copy)
6. TC (Original)
7. Registration form duly filled.
8. Medical Form
9. Transportation Form
10. Caste Certificate (Optional)
Q6. What is the code of conduct policy of DPS-JC?
The school code of conduct are as follows:-
1. Every student should carry his/her almanac to school each day.
2. Parents are requested to avail school bus facilities for transport of their students/wards. Non-bus commuters should arrive at school 5 minutes before the School Timings.
3. The warning bell before a class or assembly is a signal for all to go to the assembly or to their respective class rooms. This should be done promptly and in silence. As soon as they are in their classes, students must get their books ready for the period.
4. Students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed. The school uniform should be worn on all working days and for all school functions. Students who are not in proper uniform will not be allowed to enter their class rooms.
5. Non Sikh boys should get their hair cut at regular intervals.
6. No shouting or whistling is allowed in or around the school campus. Running in corridors is strictly prohibited.
7. Care must be taken of all school property and students should not scratch or spoil the desks or chairs or damage any school furniture or write or draw anything on the wall or in any way damage things that belong to others. Damage done even by accident should be reported at once to the class teacher or to the Principal.
8. Any damage done will be made good by the concerned students together with a fine imposed on him/her for such an offence. Any one who notices something damaged, should report the matter even if he or she does not know who has done it.
9. Lending or borrowing of money or other articles is not permitted.
10. Bicycles must be locked. Students shall not ride bicycles in the school premises. Use of scooters / motor cycles is strictly prohibited for students.
11. Students who come to school in the care of attendant should never leave before the attendant arrives. In case of delay, they should report to the school office. Those who go home alone should not loiter about on the way but be prompt in returning home straight. Students are warned not to buy anything, especially eatables from street vendors.
12. Our students should observe polite manners wherever they go. They should always remember that the school is judged by their conduct. They should greet their teachers when they meet them. Bullying and use of foul language are punishable offences.
13. The school reserves for itself the right to terminate the schooling of students with unsatisfactory progress in studies or WHOSE CONDUCT IS A BAD PRECEPT FOR OTHERS.
14. Students of Nursery, KG and I should return their report card duly signed by their parents/ guardians withing 3 days of its receipt.
15. The Name & Admission No., Class & Section and House of the pupil should be clearly marked on all belongings of the students e.g. blazers, tie, jerseys, skirt, pants, socks, shoes etc.
16. School Appointees should wear their respective badges daily.
17. Students should attend festivals and functions celebrated in the school, while absentees will have to pay a fine or Rs. 30/- per day.
18. Students who remain absent on special working days such as Saturdays and on the last working days prior to the exams, vacations and break or on the reopening days, they will be fined @ Rs. 50/- per day for absence.
19. No half day will be allowed to Students apart from Tuesday test or any other Exams.
20. The School will not be responsible if any Student is involved in any issues related to Whatsapp, Facebook or any other Social Media.
21. School does not support or ask any student to keep any kind of cell phone or gadgets.
22. If any School Property is damaged by any student (Individual or Group), fine will be imposed to the whole group in case the individual person is not identified.
Q7.What is Fee & Refund Policy ?
To know Fee details & Refund policy please contact our admission counsellor at 8435304007.
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