Clubs and Activities

Clubs and Activities

Various clubs have been formed to provide students of different classes an outlet to showcase whatever they have in them, what is inborn and whatever else they learn and share in school in and outside the classrooms. To foster and harness various different talents of different students coming to DPS-JC from multifarious backgrounds we have 14 clubs to provide the young learners forum(s) for their intellectual aspirations and self-expression. The different Clubs and the subjects those deal are as follows:

Club Subject
Ramanujan Club Maths
Einstein Club Science
Babbage Club Computer Science
Premchand Club Hindi
Kali das Club Sanskrit
Robotics Club Robotics
Siddhartha Basu Club Quiz preparations
Nature Club Saving Nature
Gardening Club Gardening
Picasso Club Drawing & Painting
Sanjeev Kapoor Club Cooking
Tansen Club Music
Nataraj Club Dance
Patanjali Club Yoga