Mode Of Payment

Mode Of Payment

  1. ALL FEES ARE PAYABLE IN ADVANCE BY CHEQUE on Installment basis by the 10thof the month (i.e. April, July, September, November and January) of the session.
  2. No Letter or reminder will be issued by the school in this respect unless there is some specific reason or change in the schedule.
  3. If fees in respect of any student is not paid in full by 10thof the said month period, a fine of Rs.20/- per day will be charged up to the end of the month. After the end of the month for which the fees is not paid, the student’s name will be struck off the rolls and the student may be re-admitted only at the discretion of the Principal on payment of all arrears and a fresh admission fees as well as fine of Rs.200/-.
  4. If Annual Charges in respect of any old student is not paid in full by 31thof March, a fine of Rs.20/- per day will be charged up to 30th April. After the end of April, if the fees is not paid, the student’s name will be struck off the rolls and the student’s may be re-admitted only at the discretion of the Principal on payment of all arrears and a fresh admission fees as well as fine of Rs.200/-
  5. Fees can be deposited in advance for any number of Installment, or for the full session, if so desired.
  6. Fees can be paid by A/c. payee cheque drawn in favour of DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, JANJGIR-CHAMPA. (Outstation cheque shall not be accepted) All writings on the cheque should be legible and free from any overwriting or deletions and should be duly signed and carefully filled. On the reverse of the cheque, Admission number, Name, Class and Section of the students must be mentioned.
  7. Dishonored cheques, as per law, will entail action. All future payments from defaulting parents will only be accepted through Demand Draft. Incase where cheque for any payment is dishonored by the bank for reason of insufficient funds, a penalty of Rs. 300/- will be charged and if it is dishonored due to any other reason a penalty equal to Rs. 200/- will be charged. The name of the child is liable to be struck off the rolls, if the fee is not paid by the last date of the said months.
  8. Fee slip is an important document which must be kept safely by the parents. In case of loss, a duplicate Fee slip will be issued from the Accounts Section on payment of Rs. 100/-
  9. Cheques will only be acceptable for Admission, Security, Annual charges &

for  Installmentand Bus fees.

  1. In case of doubt regarding the payment of any dues, parents/guardians are advised to make the payment first and then clarify the matter in the school office.
  2. Parents should kindly keep the Fee receipts in safe custody and produce these to the school in proof of their payment or else they may quote the Fee Receipt No. in the Almanac of the student for ready reference.
  3. All dues before SA I and SA II including Installments, Store and Miscellaneous should be cleared to get NOC/Admit Card for the said Exams.
  4. If any Parent requires any Certificate i.e. Bonafide, IT Return File, Passport, Bank Account etc., he has to deposit Rs. 100/- for the same in the Accounts Department.
  5. Security/Caution Money deposit is refundable without interest on withdrawal.
  6. Fee waiver in case of sibling (Second child only) will be 5% in Tuition fees.
  7. One time submission of yearly fees will attract 10% discount in Tuition fees.
  8. The school fees is only payable in DD/Cheque in the School Account Office or the referred banks. There is no facility to collect DD/Cheque other than the specified places.
  9. HDFC Bank A/c No :- 16531450000149.
  10. OBC Bank A/c No :- 18962191004108.
  11. Accounts office will remain open from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm on all working days.
  12. Fee once paid is not refundable for any reasons whatsoever.
  13. Old arrears will not be settled on the day of the PTM or 5 days prior or after the installment due date (10th of April, July, September, November and January). Only Fees will be accepted during these days.
  14. If a Parent doesn’t pay tuition & transport fees together, late charges will be applicable for transport fees also. (ex. Tuition fees paid on 10th of respective month and if transport fees is pending, late charges will be applicable on transport fees also).
  15. Parents are requested to deposit the fees in Bank with the late fees amount till the date of submission of fees, else late charges will be applicable from Fees` due date to till the settlement of fine.
  16. School does not encourage Students to carry School Fees amount to the School. The School does not take any responsibility for any loss of money during travelling in Bus or in the Classroom.