Ice-Cream Sticks Activity

Ice-Cream Sticks Activity

Ice-Cream Sticks Activity

Posted 6 years ago / Blog

Ice-Cream Sticks Activity

Ice -cream sticks are inexpensive, durable and super easy to create wonderful items. We have found so many fun ideas that involve crafting, creating and even helping kids learn. Popsicle sticks are fantastic for helping and strengthening fine motor skills for kids and so much more. Ice – cream sticks activity was conducted for classes Nursery to K.G-II of  DPS –JC and Pre-Nursery to K.G-II of DPS- KIDS  on  12th April 2019. Students showed keen interest in the activity under the guidance of their teachers. Divergent objects were prepared by them like gift box, photo frame, animal shapes etc. The students performed and relished this activity very well.