Posted 3 years ago / Blog

“It is a great opportunity to explore new things or dive deep into areas you love.”

Yet again this year DPS-JC organized Online Summer Camp for classes I to VIII from 01/05/2022 to

10/05/2022.The Inaugural Ceremony was conducted in the presence of Respected Principal Madam, Kalpana Singh who gave her blessings to the students. Respective In charges were introduced to the students.

The organized Summer Camp saw a healthy and merry participation from the students not only from DPS-JC but also from other schools across the district. The Summer Camp included many activities such as:-

Vocal and Instrumental Activity included Introduction of music and Practice of Sargam with instruments. In Classical and Western dance activity Namaskar position was introduced and basic dance steps were displayed. Paper Cutting Craft, Paper Folding Craft, Matchstick Craft and Cotton Teddy Craft were the different activities of Art & Craft. Drawing & Painting activity comprised of Toothbrush and Ear Bud Painting, and usage of pulses and spices for coloring. Personality Development Activity contained Dinning Etiquettes, Stress Management, Self Confidence, Leadership and Goal Setting. Photography activity displayed the basics of taking imageries by using Digital Camera. Coding and Robotics activity was made up of Python Programming, and introduction about robotics and making of Robot.

On 10/05/2022 Closing Ceremony was conducted where students showcased various skills acquired in the Summer Camp through presentations like Classical Dance, Public Speaking etc. Our Respected Principal, Kalpana Singh congratulated all the participating students and respective In-charges for making the Summer Camp a grand success.