Principal’s Message

Principal’s Message

Mrs. Kalpana Singh

Delhi Public School

The school believes that a child’s school is a home away from home; schooling of a student is not targeted at enabling of the learner to pass through the narrow tunnel of examination. The teaching- learning process in DPS-JC is designed and viewed as life mentoring part of an individual, in confirmation with accepted values and moral of the global society and its basis is humanity and union with ‘Mother Nature’. The changing scenario of our mother land and the impact of globalization and technological effects on the individual life and at the society at large are well reflected in the academic life of DPS-JC. The parental role as equal stake holders of the child’s education is one of the main salient features of our school. In our strife for academic excellence, we aim for creating individuals whose mind can think and hands can work for themselves and their fellow beings in tune with God’s creation and the ecological balance. Indian culture and tradition is embedded in all the activities and dealing of the school. Education in DPS-JC gets enveloped towards bettering any form of life on mother earth, and ground realities of life are the guiding starts for academic operation of our school.